Saturday 2 April 2016

Ronnie Corbett interview

You say in the programme that you got your break relatively late - in your late 30s. Did you always have an ambition to be a comedian and if so, when were you first aware of it and what do you think sparked the desire in you to make people laugh?
I had a desire for comedy sparked by a youth club pantomime I did in Edinburgh. I played the wicked aunt and I was suddenly in an atmosphere that I found very comfortable. From that day on I was determined to have a go at it.
A lot of things happened in between because I did my national service in the air force for two years and worked for the civil service, but in the back of my mind there was always a desire to perhaps one day be a professional performer/entertainer/comedian.
You've had a long and successful career that has spanned a number of decades. What have been the highlights of your career?
It's very difficult to select highlights but obviously The Two Ronnies was a major part of British television during our lives. The Saturday night shows at that length, with their breadth of skills, design, writing and music was a major television show by any standards, so I would say my relationship with Ronnie Barker is the highlight of my career, and my spell with Danny La Rue is also very important. If you're talking about television though, it's definitely The Two RonniesSorry!No - That's Me Over Here!and various sitcoms along the way, but mainly The Two Ronnies.
Of course my extremely happy marriage is the spine of the whole thing. I have a happy, contended life with two lovely daughters, so that makes it all rather special.READ MORE=

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